For about a year my pegs have been residing in a plastic bag that had seen better days. I decided it was about time I stitched up a new, and slightly more robust, home for them. This is a project that is pretty simple and a beginner sewer could tackle.
You Will Need:
About 1/2metre (or a fat quarter) of fabric
A hanger (I used a child size hanger)
Sewing machine (or needle and thread)
Iron and ironing board
Make Your Pegbag:
First of all you need to cut your fabric, you can use a dressmakers chalk if you have one but a pencil will do to draw around the top of the hanger about 1cm away from the edge like below:
Instead of drawing around the bottom of the hanger draw straight down as long as you would like your peg bag to be plus 1cm, cut one piece out this size and cut another out about 3cm longer.
Take the larger of the two pieces and cut it so that you have one large rectangle at the bottom and the hanger shape plus 2cm of the length at the top. Then fold the top over by 1/2cm towards the wrong side of your fabric, press and stitch. Fold the edges you have just cut over by 1/2cm towards the wrong side, press, fold over by another 1cm and press again. Then stitch all of these seams down:
These two pieces will form the opening for your pegs to go in. On the other piece of fabric, the back of the peg bag, you will also need to fold over the very top by 1/2cm towards the wrong side, press and stitch.
Now put the back piece on your work surface so that the pattern is facing up. On top put the two remaining pieces, lining up the seams that form the opening like this:
Pin these together. Then starting at the top on one side of the small seam you sewed stitch all the way down the side, along the bottom, and up the other side. The only tricky part here is the curves so go slowly. When you get to the corners, put your needle down and your footer up, turn your work and put the footer down again before you continue. Don't stitch across the top though as you need a whole for your peg to go through. It should look like this:
Now Snip off the corners (without cutting through your stitching), turn it out the right way and press. Finally pop your hanger in through the large opening and hey presto:
One simple peg bag. As if the sunshine wasn't reason enough, now you can easily hang all your clothes on the line to dry. Zoe xx