It's Time To Have A Catch Up

Last year was a crazy year for me. I was busy from start to finish and by the end felt completely exhausted. As a result updating this blog slipped lower and lower on my list of priorities. I knew this was happening back in April and wrote that I would be slowing down with blog updates but over the last six months I haven't just slowed down but completely ground to a halt. So I thought I would share a quick update about what I have been up to since making this dress (which is so far my favourite ever make).

In the summer my friend Miriam and I entered a mini and then a sprint triathlon. This was unexpected for me as I was very unfit and if you had told me this time last year then I would have called you a liar. But I really enjoyed the challenge and the impact that getting fit had on everything- sleeping better, eating better, feeling more full of energy, achieving goals- the list goes on and on. If you have never signed up for an event I really recommend it, start with a 5k run or a local bikathon and see how much better the training makes you feel. I sound like an annoying fitness nut don't I? Well whatever, it's true!

This of course was a big drain on my time and probably made the biggest impact on this here blog. I am already planning an olympic distance tri for 2016 so I can't see this changing dramatically in the upcoming months.

After transforming into a fitness nut (well not quite, I still eat loads of chocolate, sweets and baked goods and can zip through a box set on TV faster than you can say 'bunch of munch crunchy stuff') I thought it would be fun to make myself some cycling and running clothes. I promptly bought myself the 'surf to summit' pattern from Fehr Trade and made a summer cycle jersey and a winter half zip top. These were very challenging and pushed my skills to a new level so they are far from perfect but I am really proud of them. The one pictured is the cycling jersey as the winter top isn't quite complete yet. I might do a post on these two tops but don't hold your breath as I am not sure they are quite up to standard.

I then spent November and December working 2 jobs and didn't have any extra time to sew anything at all. So not a lot of sewing time left (or energy to do it either) and I didn't even make any christmas decorations or gifts this year.

So that is a short a sweet summary of the last 6 months. This month I am going to be decorating our house, well the downstairs any way. I could show you a few pictures of this if you like? Let me know in the comments if you do. Then I hope to fit in some more sewing time starting with quilts for my children. When the warmer weather comes I expect I'll be making more clothes- these are MUCH more fun to make than the winter warmers right? I hope to update Tadpegs a little more regularly so thanks for sticking with me.

Happy new year to you all! Zoe x
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