I know I am not the only one who at this time of year likes to think about what the next 12 months will hold. One thing many of us do is set some targets of things we hope to achieve over that time. I thought I would share with you my top 5 goals:
1. Make An Item Of Clothing Every Month
The one thing I really want to do more of is dressmaking. I have only really dipped my toe in the water here and I know there is so much more to learn. I love making things (obviously) and I like having a fun wardrobe. However since I only have a finite amount of money to spend on craft and clothes combined I am going to try and make my fun wardrobe.
2. Sort Out My House
We have a lot of stuff in our house. Clearly this is not something to complain about however it does often feel cluttered and squashy. I want to go through the house one room/drawer/cupboard at a time and remove what we don't use or need any more to be sold or given away. This has actually been a New Years goal of mine for three years running now. I have made big improvements in some places (e.g. our bedroom) but others just seem to fill themselves back up with stuff within days of emptying them so I expect this will be an ongoing goal for some time.
3. Continue Blogging 2-3 Times A Week
My first 6 months writing a blog have been so much more enjoyable than I planned. I expected it to be fun but I didn't anticipate how much. I really want this blog to be interesting to read though, not just fun for me to write, so I have made an effort to blog regularly and I fully intend to continue doing so.
4. Cycle Whenever I Can
In the summer I got a new bike as an early Christmas present and I have been trying to ride it whenever I can since. For most journeys I have 3 children in the car who can't ride bikes so I can't replace these trips with cycle rides but when I have been out without them I have tried to cycle. I have saved petrol and got slightly fitter in the process, win win. So I am going to keep this as my goal for the new year too and not let the Christmas turkey/ New Years drinks/ gingerbread house hold me back.
5. Learn More About Photography
When I start reading a new blog the thing that draws me to it is usually good photos. I have tried to have great photos here on Tadpegs too but I have still got SO much to learn. I want to experiment with new photo styles, locations and techniques. I have a DSLR but I don't know how to use most of the settings and functions on it. So my goal here is to learn one new thing at a time and when I am confident in that one to move on to the next.
I'll let you know how I am doing with these, particularly number 1 and 5 and you can keep me in check with number 2 any way. Happy New Year everyone. Have a goodun'. Zoe xx
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